Post Lasik Eye Surgery

LASIK or laser eye surgery is a procedure through which one can attain independence from glasses or contact lenses. The procedure is performed on the cornea (the front transparent part of the eye) using a special device called LASIK machine which in layman terms is called LASER.

In this blog we will discuss the care that one needs to take after having undergone the procedure.

The procedure is usually very safe and chances of any complications are very few. However with proper care one can avoid these.

And well-experienced doctors at Mumbai Eye Care ensure that patients recover without facing any complexities. Further, you can follow the below mentioned tips to get back on your feet quickly after Lasik.

Lasik Surgery In Ghatkopar
  1. Sit back and Relax

Immediately after surgery, it’s imperative to avoid undertaking any such activity which is going to put a strain on your eyes. Immediately after the surgery, you may experience a bit of light sensitivity lasting from a few hours to a couple of days depending in the procedure performed. It’s better if you don’t keep them open for a long time. Don’t forget to put on sunglasses when venturing out to shield your eyes from dust and wind.

During the first initial days, you may take a break from work. Restrain yourself from reading and using watching screens for a long time. Also, it is best to avoid any kind of excessive workout for the first few days post-surgery.

  1. Keep Your Hands Off

Post surgery, your eyes may be at unease and can suffer from burning sensation, redness, dryness or tears. All these symptoms are normal and will go away gradually within a week. Keep your hands strictly

away from eyes and refrain from rubbing them.

Also, be careful while taking shower and try to keep your eyes shut so no water enters the eyes. You need to skip putting any kind of eye makeup near your eye area for a few days post-surgery. Moreover, make sure you don’t take go swimming or scuba diving until your doctor gives you a go ahead.

Post Lasik Surgery
  1. Don’t forget the Doc

Do visit your doctor within the first 24 hours of your surgery. Take all the medications on time as prescribed by the doctor. Also, avoid driving by yourself and have someone take you to the doctor. Inquire your doctor about any kind of discomfort or doubts you have regarding the post-surgery phase. Don’t forget to put the eye drops as directed by your doctor. It’s best if you take help of someone else to do it as your vision would be still unclear.

Make sure to sanitize your hands before cleaning the edges of your eyelids with sterilized tissues from the day of your surgery. Don’t skip any of the follow-up appointments with your doctor. These appointments will be spread over different time periods ranging from a week, a month, three months and probably again at nine to twelve months. Your doctor at each of these appointments will check your eyesight and review your road to recovery.

However, it is necessary to keep in mind that recovery time varies from patient to patient. Many times vision improvement happens a lot slower than the usual case of a few days or a month. Also, some side effects of LASIK such as starbursts, glare and halos can take a longer time period to get subsidized.

Therefore, it is important to give sufficient time to your eyes to recuperate from the surgery.

If you are facing any issue in your vision, contact us Mumbai Eye Care.


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