specky guest

Are you a specky guest? We feel you!

It’s your BFF’s wedding and ever since childhood, you both have been making plans for this big day. From wearing well-co-ordinated designer outfits to wearing matching jewellery, you have helped them in planning their big day to every single detail, leaving no stone unturned. But, you forgot to do something about that glasses of yours and as a ‘specky’ guest your struggles are mentioned below!

1. No Makeup

No Makeup

Sure, we all love going au naturel in our daily routine but not when it’s a wedding day. Thanks to these evil necessities you have to bid adieu to those glittery eyeshadows and that in trend cat-eye winged liner because you wear specs and it doesn’t really make much of a difference.

2. Constant Clean-up!

Constant Clean-up

Even if you swear you haven’t touched them, they are covered with fingerprints! Moreover, wearing non-cotton clothing poses an issue as your clothing is often you emergency lens cleaner and you turn into a tissue hoarder, grabbing these saviours from whichever table you can.

3. Camera Unfriendly

Camera Unfriendly
You have to get rid of your glasses off while clicking those ‘selfies’. If you don’t, others make you do that, saying you look great without them! Nevertheless, if you end up clicking some with your spectacles on, you screw up your picture with a bright and white flash which blindfolds your eyes.

4. Fear of Losing!

Fear of Losing

You are in constant fear of losing these babies and especially when you take them off and finding them again is such a task. Forget about enjoying the wedding you are stuck taking extra care of your glasses making sure you don’t lose them, break them or the worst – sit on them.

5. Why don’t you try contact lenses?

Why don't you try contact lenses
The most annoying advise you get – “Why don’t you try out contacts? They are much easier.”And it isn’t like you haven’t tried using contact lenses but putting them in and out of the eyes is such an exhausting task that you’re very much comfortable with your specs as they require minimal efforts on your part. Moreover, there are other ‘non-specky’ wedding guests who make you feel more old-fashioned, even with something like the colour of the frame that you are wearing.

You can save yourself from so many hassles by ditching those glasses and getting a LASIK which will be a permanent solution to your eyesight woes. So, get yourself an appointment with an ophthalmologist here and enjoy those upcoming weddings how you always wanted to-without those evil glasses!